pare|pared|pares|paring in English


[per /peə]

cut off, chop off; cut away, trim away, peel; reduce, diminish

Use "pare|pared|pares|paring" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pare|pared|pares|paring" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pare|pared|pares|paring", or refer to the context using the word "pare|pared|pares|paring" in the English Dictionary.

1. Paring Chisels are more delicate Chisels used for paring, or careful slicing of the wood

2. Pares Balta 'Absis' Penedes, Spain

3. Splitting, slicing or paring machines

4. She was pared with a famous movie star.

5. Pare the rind from the fruit.

6. Pare the rind from the lemons.

7. Local authorities must pare their budgets.

8. First, pare the rind from the lemon.

9. Compare clip, pare , prune , trim and shave.

10. This season, we're falling for pared-down Anklets and

11. Pare one small apple and then dice it.

12. Even in its pared-down form, the contract was unacceptable.

13. Paring Chisels have thinner steel and are usually sharpened with a low angle to aid in paring end-grain and other difficult grain

14. Happy New age to the globle's prime pare notnts!

15. I finally added a Cranked chisel to my set of Narex paring chisels

16. In both advanced and emerging economies, potential growth is being pared down.

17. 21 He pared away the excess glue with a razor blade.

18. An Actant is the paring between two of these roles

19. The prime minister was primus inter pares in the cabinet-the first among equals.

20. It will be necessary to pare this budget down considerably.

21. Stores and prices for 'NV Pares Balta 'Absis', Penedes' prices, stores, tasting notes and market data.

22. Ahora tiene que Alinear cuidadosamente la pared, Tapar todas las grietas y hendiduras

23. Paring solutions of engine coolants and Antirusts (Notes 1 and 2)

24. Do not pare apples. Core and slice apples very, very thin.

25. Pare the mangoes and cut the flesh away from the stone.